HSE Disabilities Occupational Guidance Service

The HSE Disabilities Occupational Guidance Service provides information, advice, support and direction to people with a disability who wish to access rehabilitative training and sheltered services.

The services offered include:

  • Information on rehabilitative training and sheltered services
  • Advice and guidance on identifying individual interests, skills and abilities in developing a profile of rehabilitative and sheltered needs
  • Referral to rehabilitative training and sheltered services
  • Linking to other services, such as supported employment, further training, and SOLAS
  • Annual Profiling of school leaver who may require a HSE funded Training or Day Service

Eligibility: Persons over 16 years with a disability can avail of advice and guidance, however to access a HSE funded rehabilitative day programme persons have to be 18+ years.

Referral: Self Referral; Referral by Professional; Referral by Family Member; Referral by Advocate.

Contact details: